Cash Advance

A cash advance is when a credit card is used to obtain cash. This can be done in a branch location, over the phone with customer service or by using your card at an ATM.

Visa Balance Transfers are used solely to pay off other high interest loans or credit cards at other financial institutions.

All Members 1st consumer credit cards are eligible for a cash advance. Our Members 1st business credit cards must be opted in for cash advances by the business owner.

Fees are dependent on the type of credit card.

Platinum Cash Back – No Fee
Platinum Low Rate – No Fee
Platinum Secured – 1% of the amount advanced
Visa Signature – 5% of the amount advanced

Please refer to your credit card terms and conditions for a complete fee schedule.

Cash Advance fees are non-refundable.

Cash advances are at the regular rate of your credit card. Please refer to your monthly statement for information on your interest rate.

Your PIN is required to withdraw cash at an ATM and to process a cash advance in a branch location.

Don’t know your PIN? Call our Customer Service team at (800) 283-2328 and they can assist you in processing your request over the phone. You will need to have your physical card and your driver’s license for identification. They can also assist you in getting a PIN for your credit card sent out to you.

Please stop into any branch location or call our Customer Service team at (800) 283-2328 for assistance.

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