6 Best Books on Saving Money
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We all learned the basics of saving money as kids, but those lessons are sometimes hard to put into practice as adults. Learn about strategies, tips and tools to save money from everyday saving pros. Reading just one of these books on saving could help you save—so grab a book or your kindle and dive in!
Best book for financial self-help
But First, Save 10: The One Simple Money Move That Will Change Your Life
Best book for total transformation
The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store
Best book for beginners
The Financial Diet: A Total’s Beginner’s Guide to Getting Good with Money
Best book for setting goals
The No-Spend Challenge Guide: How to Stop Spending Money Impulsively, pay off Debt Fast, & Make Your Finances Fit Your Dreams
Best book for quick fixes
Suddenly Frugal: How to Live Happier and Healthier for Less
Best book for positive change
The 30-Day Money Cleanse: Take control of your finances, manage your spending, and de-stress your money for good
Your reading list for saving money:
But First, Save 10: The One Simple Money Move That Will Change Your Life by Sarah-Catherine Gutierrez
This book focuses on habit breaking when it comes to overspending. Gutierrez breaks down the principle of “paying yourself first” and the importance of investing a percentage of your income to build savings and reach your goals.
The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store by Cait Flanders
In this book, Flanders tells a personal story of how she overcame tremendous credit card debt and saved over half of her income. This radical lifestyle change came from her “Year of Less” mentality, where she only bought consumable things.
The Financial Diet: A Total Beginner's Guide to Getting Good with Money by Chelsea Fagan
This financial guide for beginners breaks down the process behind managing money. Fagan offers quick tips on how to rule out overspending and get better with money fast.
This book will offer quick fixes and short term No-Spend challenges to help you reach your financial goals. Smith offers crucial knowledge on understanding and managing your money in the most effective way possible.
Suddenly Frugal: How to Live Happier and Healthier for Less by Leah Ingram
This how-to guide will take you through the process of identifying places where you can be frugal. These money-saving tips will help you save more while only making small changes to your financial habits.
The 30-Day Money Cleanse: Take control of your finances, manage your spending, and de-stress your money for good Ashley Feinstein Gerstley
Alleviate budget anxiety and stress with this month-long money cleanse guide. Gerstley takes the reader through the process of breaking bad habits, understanding basic investment strategies and how to make a personalized financial plan.
Members 1st Can Help You Start Saving
Whatever you are saving for, we offer robust, personalized tools to help you save smarter and hit your goals sooner. Our Goal Savings accounts can help you visualize your target and track your progress. You can manage it all in our mobile app. Happy saving!