alert iconKeep Your Accounts Secure: We are aware of high fraud attempts at large retailers, including Walmart and Target. Learn More

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Secure Login

Technical Requirements

All web pages within Members 1st Online are fully encrypted to ensure a high level of confidentiality. Maintaining the confidentiality of your information is very important to us. While we continue to evaluate and implement the latest improvements in Internet security technology, we strongly suggest you do your part and always follow the recommendations listed below:

Online banking supports the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome for Windows or macOS (download)
  • Mozilla Firefox for Windows or macOS (download)
  • Safari for macOS
  • Microsoft Edge for Windows 10

Note: No versions of Internet Explorer are supported.

Certain portions of the Members 1st Web site may also require:

  • Regardless of browser type you will need to enable Javascript.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Passwords. Keep your password confidential at all times. Utilize a strong password and change it frequently.

Current Online Banking Users

  • If you want to change your Members 1st Online password, you may do so by logging into our online banking service, clicking "User Settings" under your name and selecting "Change Password." If you are locked out of your account or your username is frozen, you can reset your password online or visit your local branch or call Customer Service at (800) 237-7288.
  • Be sure others are not watching you enter information when using Members 1st Online.
  • Never leave your computer unattended while logged in to Members 1st Online. Others may approach your computer and gain access to your account information if you walk away.
  • Click the log out button when you are finished to properly end your session. Once a session has been ended, no further transactions can be processed until you log in again.
  • Close your browser when you are finished, so that others cannot view any account information displayed on your computer.
  • Keep your computer free of viruses. Use virus protection software to routinely check for a virus on your computer. Never allow a virus to remain on your computer while accessing Members 1st Online.


To recover your online banking username go to Recover your username.

To reset your online banking password go to Reset your password

You are already a member with an account and you want to enroll in online banking services go to Enrolled in Members 1st Online.

You can open your account in 3 easy steps go here Open an Account.

Red star icon for becoming a member

Still have questions?

We're here to help you find answers. Give us a call or stop by your nearest branch.

Please be aware that by continuing you will be leaving and viewing content from another website.

For your protection please be advised that public Internet email is not secure. Various links within our web site allow you to submit information to us by public Internet email. Please DO NOT provide personal or account information through public email or submit any personal information that would compromise your identity including your account number, social security number, credit card numbers, electronic services PINs, passwords or mother's maiden name. Members 1st will not respond via public Internet email to requests-for-account-information or account activity. Please contact Customer Service with these types of requests at (800) 237-7288 or (717) 795-6049.