Weather Alert: Due to the inclement weather, all Members 1st branch locations and administrative offices will open at 11:00 AM today, February 6. Our Contact Center will open at the regular time with no delays. As a reminder, our 24/7 digital banking platforms can help with many of your needs.


Pay Bills Support

Paying your bills has never been easier! Check out our Pay Bills step-by-step user guide and FAQs below to ensure you payments are set up just how you want them to be.

Payment Guide

Biller Setup

Adding a Biller (Desktop)

  1. Navigate to “Pay & Transfer” > “Smart View.”
  2. On the right side of your screen under the title “Add New Billers,” search for the biller you would like to add.
  3. Browse the search results and select the biller you would like to add.
  4. If you cannot find your biller, click “Add Biller Manually” which is located below the search box.
  5. Follow the directions on the screen to add all necessary information to complete the setup of your biller.
  6. Select “Finish” to complete adding the biller.

    For faster set-up, choose from a list of popular billers using the top billers section located on the right side of the Smart View Tab.

Adding a Biller (Mobile)

  1. Navigate to “Pay & Transfer” > “Smart View.”
  2. Scroll to the section titled “Add New Billers” and search for the biller you would like to add.
  3. Browse the search results and select the biller you would like to add.
  4. If you cannot find your biller, click “Add Biller Manually” which is located below the search box.
  5. Follow the directions on the screen to add all necessary information to complete the setup of your biller.
  6. Select “Finish” to complete adding the biller.

    For faster set-up, choose from a list of popular billers using the top billers section located at the bottom of the Smart View Tab.


Making a Payment (Desktop)

  1. Navigate to “Pay & Transfer” > “Pay Bills” and then select “Pay Bills.”
  2. Scroll to the biller you would like to pay.
  3. Select the date you would like to send your payment.

    Please note: Manual (non-electronic) bills will take approximately one week from the send date to be delivered. If the estimated delivery date falls on a weekend or holiday, credit for your payment may not occur until the next business day.

  4. Enter your payment amount.
  5. Click “More Options” if you would like to change the frequency of the payment.
  6. Repeat this for all the billers you would like to pay.
  7. Once all payments are entered, select “Review and Pay.”
  8. After reviewing your payment(s), click “Pay Total.”

    If your payments are set to pay within the next 45 days, they will show in the ‘Later’ or ‘Upcoming’ sections on the ‘Smart View’ tab.

Making a Payment (Mobile)

  1. Navigate to “Pay & Transfer” > “Pay Bills” and then select “Pay Bills.”
  2. Scroll to the biller you would like to pay.
  3. Enter your payment amount.
  4. Click “More Options” to select the send date and payment frequency.

    Please note: Manual (non-electronic) bills will take approximately one week from the send date to be delivered. If the delivery date falls on a weekend or holiday, credit for your payment may not occur until the next business day.

  5. Click “Done” when all payment information is entered.
  6. Repeat this for all the billers you would like to pay.
  7. Once all payments are entered, select “Review and Pay.”
  8. After reviewing your payment(s), click “Pay Total.”

    If your payments are set to pay within the next 45 days, they will show in the ‘Later’ or ‘Upcoming’ sections on the ‘Smart View’ tab.

Locating a Scheduled Payment (Schedule within the next 6 months)

  1. Navigate to “Pay & Transfer” > “Pay Bills” and then select “Manage Billers.”
  2. Select the three virtual dots in the top right-hand corner of the biller card that you want to review for scheduled payments
  3. Select “View Activity”
  4. Under the “Scheduled Payments (next 6 months)” you can see any payment scheduled to pay within the next 6 months.

Editing a Scheduled Payment

  1. Navigate to “Pay & Transfer” > “Pay Bills” and then select “Pay Bills.”
  2. Scroll to the biller you would like to edit the payment of.
  3. Under the billers name, click the blue link labeled “Scheduled Payment” or “More Than One Scheduled Payment” and select the payment you would like to edit.
  4. Here you can edit the payment method, send date, payment amount and frequency.
  5. Once you have made your edits, click “Done”.

Deleting a Scheduled Payment

  1. Navigate to “Pay & Transfer” > “Pay Bills” and then select “Pay Bills.”
  2. Scroll to the biller that has the payment you want to delete.
  3. Under the billers name, click the blue link labeled “Scheduled payment” or “More Than One Scheduled Payment.”
  4. Click the payment you would like to delete.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click “Delete Payment.”



Entity that will receive the check or electronic payment from Pay Bills.

Electronic Biller

Billers that allow instant or next-day payments based on biller and payment method. Payments made to electronic billers will come out of your account or your card and will be charged for the payment on the send date.

The Letter E Iconicon on the biller card denotes payments will be made electronically.

Manual Biller

Typically a small business or service (e.g., landscaping or pool service) that does not have a large institutional foundation and cannot accept electronic payments using typical banking payment rails. Manual Billers will receive a check in 5-7 days, with the option of sending expedited checks within 2-3 business days for an additional fee. Checks will be posted directly to an account when the biller cashes the check.

The Check Iconicon on the biller card denotes payments will be made by check.

Payment Statuses

  • Mailed: Status of a check payment when it has been processed and sent to the biller.
  • Delivered: Status of a payment when it has reached the estimated delivery date.
  • Processing: Status of an electronic payment when it has been sent to the biller.
  • Pending: Status of an electronic payment that has been processed and is waiting for acceptance by the biller’s FI.
  • Paid: Status of an electronic payment that has been accepted by the biller.
  • Cancelled: Status of a payment that was canceled by the user.
  • Failed: Status of a payment that failed to process by the Pay Bills system.

Smart View Tab

  • Past Due: If you have bills that are past due, they will show up in the Past Due section on the Smart View Tab. Past due bills can only be recognized if the biller setup is directly connected to the biller’s accounts payable system.
  • Later: If you have bills and/or payments that are due and/or scheduled within the next 8 to 45 days from the current date, they will show up in the Later section on the Smart View Tab. The bills in the Later section can be in 4 states: Select to Pay, Scheduled, Recurring Pay, and Autopay.
  • Upcoming: If you have bills and/or payments that are due and/or scheduled within the next 7 days from the current date, they will show up in the Upcoming section on the Smart View Tab. The bills in the Upcoming section can be in 4 states: Select to Pay, Scheduled, Recurring Pay, and Autopay.
  • Pending/Paid: This section displays a status of each payment that has been scheduled, paid, or failed for the previous 30 days.

Manage Billers Tab

From the Manage Billers tab, you can create, review, update, and delete single payments. You can also set up and manage recurring payments. This is also where you can see payment history for all of your billers.

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